Temporomandibular joint
“The best in specialised treatments for problems related to the temporomandibular joint which can present muscular pain, headache or tooth pain amongst others.”
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects the lower jaw (mandible) to the scull (temporal bone). Actually, there are two joints, one on each side of the head, and they function synchronously. Together with a group of muscles and ligaments, this joint allows the mandible to execute several functions: opening and closing, protrusion, retrusion and lateral movements.
The temporomandibular disorders, on the one hand, refer to problems of the temporomandibular joint, and on the other hand, to problems related to the muscles surrounding the mandible. The symptoms are diverse and sometimes they radiate to surrounding areas simulating headaches or tooth pain.
The symptoms related to TMJ problems can be: difficulty to open the mouth, pain close to the ears, pain when chewing, talking or yawning, headache, neck pain, joint noises when opening and closing the mouth, wear of the teeth, difficulty to open the mouth when waking up.
If you suffer from one of these symptoms it is important to carry out a thorough exploration in order to reach an exact diagnosis. The problem can be muscular; mechanical, related to the joint disc; of an inflammatory nature; arthritis or a tumor. Once the diagnosis is established the appropriate treatment will be carried out.
If you suffer from one of these symptoms it is important to carry out a thorough exploration to determine what problem there is. It can vary from a muscular problem, a mechanical problem related to the joint disc, an inflammatory problem, arthritis or tumours. Once the diagnosis is established the appropriate treatment will be carried out.